Conservative-led Wokingham Borough Council's Local Plan Update: Revised Growth Strategy is now out for public consultation, giving every borough resident the opportunity to provide their thoughts and feedback on the future of house building in our community until 2037.
Wokingham Borough is required to build 768 new homes per year until 2037.
That equates to 15,513 new dwellings in the plan period of 2018/19 to 2037/38. The Local Plan Update lays out our vision of how and where those houses will be built.
The vision of the Local Plan Update is:
A borough that focuses on the needs of residents.
A borough that will be sustainable for years to come.
A borough where people choose to live, learn and work because the places we build and the places we protect are valued and enriching.
There are also key areas of policy development that make clear commitments to net-zero carbon development, biodiversity net gain and increasing affordable housing provision.
Key Facts
The previously proposed Grazeley Garden Town has been removed following an objection by the Ministry of Defence.
A new ‘Garden Town’ is proposed on land adjacent to the Thames Valley Science Park
There is a requirement that all new housing developments be built to carbon-neutral standards.
Over 80 new Local Green Spaces will be created and protected from future development.
A commitment to deliver our 250,000 new trees pledge, with provision to ensure they are looked after and helped to grow.
Why is a Local Plan essential?
“Without effective planning policies, there would be no real control or influence over where and how new housing and other types of development take place.”
This statement is crucial. Local Liberals and Labour activists claim that they can stop development simply by saying no to house building. This misguided belief is dangerous as attempting to stop all development would, most likely, result in a development free-for-all, with the government taking away our control and influence over local planning policies and imposing house building on us wherever they choose instead. This is currently happening in Liberal-controlled South Oxfordshire.
Only your Conservative Team could deliver a Local Plan Update like this.
Only your Conservative Team could create such a favourable plan for Wokingham. Many Conservatives in Wokingham have worked hard to make this possible.
Please support this Local Plan Update during its public consultation.