Wokingham Borough COVID update 11th July 2020 Testing was not widespread at the beginning at the pandemic. In the early stages only hospital patients and staff were tested. This means there has always been... Reports
Gregor Murray describes environmental benefits from lower carbon emissions 11th July 2020 Question from Cllr Laura Blumenthal Now that we are emerging from lockdown how can this Council work to continue the huge benefits that the environment has... Reports
Pauline Jorgensen outlines plans for Coppid Beech Park and Ride Service 11th July 2020 With reference to the proposed Coppid Beech Park and Ride how many buses will be scheduled to travel into Wokingham and how many to Bracknell on a weekly basis? Reports
Problems with paying Council tax? John Kaiser explains some of the help available 6th July 2020 Question As Councillors may be aware, robust evidence is emerging that the use of bailiffs to collect CT arrears produces less revenue than other methods, such... Reports