On Saturday John Redwood MP visited the Code Ninjas class for young people to learn how to write computer code whilst playing some computer games and meeting other young computer enthusiasts. The classes take place at St Crispin's school in Wokingham.
He was joined by Cllr Stuart Munro, the Borough Council’s Executive Member for Business and Economic Development.
Stuart said: "I am very impressed with what Naveen Khapali and his team has achieved for our youngsters.”
The organiser, Naveen Khapali said: ” I hope to provide a platform and opportunity for 16 to 18 year olds to build their career in computer coding and programming.
“Code Ninja’s Wokingham has a vision to provide a safe and fun place for kids to learn about technology and the dynamics of technology whilst learning to code, create new games and develop problem solving and life skills.”
The facility is available for any child over 5 years old. Parents can contact the organiser on [email protected] to learn more about the terms and conditions and the arrangements for looking after the children.