Local Plan Update - Great News for Wokingham 15th November 2021 Conservative-led Wokingham Borough Council's Local Plan Update: Revised Growth Strategy is now out for public consultation, giving every borough resident the... Local News
Remembrance Sunday in Arborfield 14th November 2021 On Sunday 14th November john Redwood MP joined the British legion in Arborfield for the march to the War memorial and for the service. He laid a wreath... Local News
Don't miss your chance to shape our community's future 9th November 2021 The Conservative led Wokingham Borough Council has a revised blueprint for new homes and supporting infrastructure across Wokingham Borough which is set to go... Local News
Visit to Evendons Primary School 5th November 2021 On Friday 5th November John Redwood MP visited Evendons Primary School to meet year six pupils at the end of Parliament Week. The children had been learning... Local News
Update on Access to GP Services 16th October 2021 John Redwood has received the enclosed update from the Government: Dear John I am writing to you following publication of Our plan for improving access for... Local News
Sir David Amess 15th October 2021 Wokingham Conservative Association was appalled to hear of the senseless and unforgiveable murder of Sir David Amess. Sir David was a great parliamentarian who... Local News
What could you do to start cutting your carbon footprint? 14th October 2021 Cllr Gregor Murray, Executive member for Climate Emergency Wokingham Borough Council writes part 9 in a series on tackling the Climate Emergency What could you... Local News
James Bond and today’s UK 11th October 2021 John Redwood MP writes: I was gripped by the latest James Bond movie through its action packed twists of plot. The film is a statement to the world that UK... Local News
Let’s talk about Waste 7th October 2021 Cllr Gregor Murray, Executive member for Climate Emergency Wokingham Borough Council writes part 8 in a series on tackling the Climate Emergency As a Borough... Local News