John Redwood addressing some local concerns 24th November 2014 I have received numerous complaints about increased aircraft noise in recent weeks over Wokingham. I took these up with the authorities. Articles
John Redwood - What happens if the SNP do well in the May 2015 Election? 19th November 2014 Before the referendum I sought an assurance in the Commons from the SNP that they would accept the result of the Referendum either way, and regard the matter as... Articles
Remembrance 9th November 2014 Today amidst solemnity and ceremony I will lay a wreath in Burghfield and a wreath in Wokingham Town Hall. I do so to remember those who gave their lives in the... Articles
John Redwood: No to £1.7 billion must mean No 7th November 2014 The Prime Minister and Chancellor were right to say the UK will not pay the £1.7 bn the EU demands. The UK does not accept retrospective taxation. Articles
John Redwood: The rise and rise of the SNP 29th October 2014 The latest polls from Scotland all show the same picture. The Labour vote has fallen substantially, and the SNP vote has risen in its place. Articles
John Redwood on UKIP 13th October 2014 The surge in support for UKIP at the two recent Parliamentary by elections came as no surprise to me. I have spent much of this Parliament trying to get the... Articles
John Redwood on UKIP 13th October 2014 The surge in support for UKIP at the two recent Parliamentary by elections came as no surprise to me. I have spent much of this Parliament trying to get the... Articles
John Redwood - No change in by elections 10th October 2014 Today we awake to find that Clacton has the same MP with the same views as it had before the by election, and to find that Labour has once again won the Heywood... Articles
John Redwood - How should you describe the Lib Dems? 7th October 2014 Dr Cable effectively accused Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne of lying about future tax and spend plans. I would be interested in how you would describe this statement... Articles